Lower Body Strength

The legs are the foundation for generating speed in a fast bowler’s delivery. Navdeep Saini lower body strength training is focused on

Endurance Running for Stamina

Saini incorporates long distance runs to build aerobic capacity, which is essential for sustaining high performance throughout a match.

Interval Sprints for Power

Interval sprint training plays a key role in Navdeep Saini regime, where he alternates between bursts of high intensity running (sprints) and slower recovery jogs.

Flexibility and Mobility

For fast bowlers like Saini, flexibility is key to reducing injury risk and improving performance.

Dynamic Warmups

Navdeep Saini pretraining routine always begins with dynamic stretching, which involves active movements that warm up his muscles and prepare them for the high intensity actions of fast bowling.

Injury Prevention

Fast bowlers are highly susceptible to injuries, given the repetitive nature of their movement patterns. Saini employs a multifaceted approach to injury prevention.

Rest and Recovery

Saini uses a combination of active recovery techniques and passive treatments to ensure he remains injury free.